Snowy Owl band with Joe Fraser
Captain Krinkle Tart written on a drum
Colosus on stage

10-day Performer/Artist Challenge – Day 1

Day 1 of the 10-day Performer/Artist Challenge.

Nominated by: Al Rivett

Every day, select an image from a day in your life as a Performer/Artist – a photo from a day you felt fierce or a memorable moment you’ve had before/ during a performance/show, and post it without a single explanation, then nominate somebody to take the challenge.
That’s 10 days, 10 fierce moments, 10 nominations and 0 explanations. Be active, be honest, be passionate…

Raise Awareness of the Arts.

I nominate: Tyrra Marion

Here’s one of the first shows I have pictures of: April 1980, Herman High with Colosus!

The Ayden Jacobs Band at The Tap & Tankard
Inaugural jam at The Fox and Goose
Bowie Lives poster
USA oil on drum

USA Oil at the Atria

USA Oil. Tonight’s band! At the Atria!

Shayne explains: Props to Joe‘s OCD for spotting this name buried in last week’s band name (“Susan’s Boil”) which required only a few letters removed

Darren suggested changing it to “Lisa’s Dillhole” but that felt too much like work and these days I don’t like being on my knees that long for less that $100 and a free lobster dinner


Bottoms Up band with Joe Fraser
Susan's Boil written on drum
stage ready at the Atria